Finding new ways to increase readership of my blog is one of my ongoing projects. At first I did not think much about including images. After all, images do not add to the content of the topics I tend to post about. However, I noticed that when browsing other people’s posts I tended to be much more attracted to the posts with a featured image.

Somehow a post with an image seems more professional and well-rounded to me. I wanted to begin the process of adding images to my blog, both to each new post and retroactively to all of my previous posts.

The problem was that I hardly ever take pictures or draw; even if I was adept at photography since I hardly travel the pictures would quickly become mundane. Searching the internet for pictures was an obvious solution, but most of the images I wanted to use were copyrighted and I did not want any trouble.

Fortunately googling “public domain images” led me to, a free repository of public domain images. All of the images that appeared on my blog yesterday came from that site, and I recommend it if anyone is looking to spice up their posts with some pictures.

Happy blogging!

2 thoughts on “Blog Update: Eye Candy

    1. You’re welcome, I’m glad you found it useful. I think there are plenty more public domain image databases out there too, if the one I linked doesn’t have something you want. I found it difficult to find a decent picture of a wheelchair, for example.


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